
Concertino op. 4 大衛.費迪南 小協奏曲 長號加鋼琴 齊默爾曼版

$950TWD - $950TWD
$950TWD - $950TWD

協奏曲作品 4 協奏曲作品 4 是世界上所有長號演奏家的標準曲目。此外,這首曲子幾乎是所有應聘管弦樂團的面試必考曲目。英戈-路易士(Ingo Luis)本人也是一位長號演奏家,他為我們帶來了這首曲子的有趣版本。通常由管弦樂隊演奏的間奏由鋼琴取代,而長號演奏家則分擔難度較高的部分。曲中還穿插了其他風格和和聲。這是嚴肅原作的一個非凡而有趣的版本"

作曲家: David, Ferdinand
校訂者: Luis, Ingo
樂器: 4 trombones and piano
出版社: Musikverlag Zimmermann
The concertino op. 4 belongs to the standard repertoire of every trombone player in the world. Moreover, it is a compulsory piece at nearly all auditions when applying for an orchestra job. Ingo Luis, a trombonist himself, presents a funny version of the piece. The interludes, normally played by the orchestra, are taken over by the piano whereas the trombonists share the more difficult parts. Excursions to other styles and harmonies are quite intended. This is a remarkable and funny version of the serious original.

語言: German - English - French
頁數: 40
重量(g): 150
ISMN: 9790010306605
