
Piano Trio No. 3 in F minor, Op. 65 德弗札克 鋼琴三重奏 亨乐版

$1,700TWD - $1,700TWD
$1,700TWD - $1,700TWD

德沃夏克在這首三重奏上花費的時間和精力幾乎超過了其他任何室內樂作品。在他首次成功創作出受捷克民間音樂啟發的作品,即廣為流傳的《斯拉夫舞曲》(51480757 和 51480918)之後,他現在希望證明自己是一位最高水準的作曲家。因此,在第二年夏天,他對 1883 年春天用八周時間寫成的《三重奏》進行了徹底修改,然後交給了出版商。雖然勃拉姆斯的音樂無疑是新作品的典範,但這並不妨礙他展現出一種融合了表現力和激情的極具個人風格的音調。與 "Dumky "三重奏 op. 90(51480799)一樣,安德莉亞斯-格羅圖伊森再次負責鋼琴部分的指法"

作曲家: Antonín Dvorák
校訂者: Andreas Groethuysen
樂器: Piano Trio
出版社: G. Henle Verlag
Dvorák worked longer and more intensively on this Trio than on just about any other chamber music work. After his first successes with pieces inspired by Czech folk music, namely the popular Slavonic Dances (51480757 and 51480918), he now wanted to prove himself as a composer of the highest order. This is why in the following summer, he thoroughly reworked the Trio that he had written within eight weeks in spring 1883 before giving it to his publisher. Although Brahms' music was the undeniable model for the new work, it did not hinder the unfolding of a very personal tone that blends expressiveness and passion. As with the “Dumky” Trio op. 90 (51480799), Andreas Groethuysen is once again responsible for the fingerings of the piano part.

頁數: 115
重量(g): 501.795
UPC: 888680072100
