
Double Concerto in A Minor, Op. 102 Piano Trio 布拉姆斯 複協奏曲 鋼琴三重奏 亨乐版

$2,100TWD - $2,100TWD
$2,100TWD - $2,100TWD

實際上,大提琴家羅伯特-豪斯曼(Robert Hausmann)曾要求創作一首大提琴協奏曲,但勃拉姆斯在他的 "雙協奏曲 "中將大提琴與小提琴搭配在一起。這部不同尋常的作品作為新版勃拉姆斯全集的一部分已經面世數年。Johannes Umbreit 使用勃拉姆斯的原版鋼琴縮譜,製作了一套可演奏的鋼琴曲,以最佳方式再現了樂譜的豐富多彩。弦樂部分的指法和弓法由經驗豐富的獨奏家弗蘭克-彼得-齊默爾曼(Frank Peter Zimmermann)和海因裡希-希夫(Heinrich Schiff)提供。管弦樂部分以完整版為基礎,可從 Breitkopf & Härtel (PB/OB 16104) 購買"

作曲家: Johannes Brahms
校訂者: Frank Peter Zimmermann
樂器: Piano Trio
出版社: G. Henle Verlag
The cellist Robert Hausmann had actually requested a cello concerto - but Brahms paired the cello with a violin in his “Double Concerto”. The unusual work has already been available as part of the new Brahms Complete Edition for several years. Using Brahms' original piano reduction, Johannes Umbreit has produced a playable piano setting that optimally renders the colorfulness of the score. The fingerings and bowings for the string parts have been supplied by the experienced soloists Frank Peter Zimmermann and Heinrich Schiff. The orchestral parts, based on the Complete Edition, are available from Breitkopf & Härtel (PB/OB 16104).

頁數: 148
重量(g): 669.06
UPC: 888680072155
