
La Guamina Brass Quartet 銅管四重奏

$580TWD - $580TWD
$580TWD - $580TWD

喬塞佩-瓜米(Gioseppe Guami,約 1540 - 1611 年)是義大利音樂世家的長子,不僅是器樂和聲樂作品的作曲家,還以精湛的管風琴技藝而聞名。這首康佐納是作曲家在安特衛普去世後由 Pahlese 出版的 "Canzonette francese "作品集中收錄的 20 首此類作品之一,由菲力浦-克拉布特裡(Phillip Crabtree)根據大英博物館收藏的該作品集的縮微膠捲副本轉錄為銅管四重奏。配器:2 支降 B 調小號和 2 支次中音長號(或 1 支 F 調圓號和 1 支長號)"

作曲家: Gioseffo Guami
改編者: Philip Crabtree
樂器: Brass; Brass Quartet
出版社: Southern Music Co.
Gioseppe Guami (ca. 1540 - 1611), the eldest member of an Italian family of musicians, was a composer of both instrumental and vocal works and was also renonwned for his skill as an organist. This canzona, one of twenty such works included in the composer's collection of “Canzonette francese” published posthumously by Pahlese in Antwerp, was transcribed for brass quartet by Phillip Crabtree from a microfilm copy of the collection which exists in the British Musuem. Instrumentation: 2 Bb trumpets and 2 tenor trombones (or 1 horn in F and 1 trombone.)
難易度: 3

頁數: 0
重量(g): 68.04
UPC: 884088746063
