
Chester Missa Brevis

來自 Faber Music
$270TWD - $270TWD
$270TWD - $270TWD

賈斯特密西西比舞曲》是 2013 年為賈斯特大教堂合唱團創作的,是在本傑明-布裡頓百年誕辰之際向他致敬的試探性作品。所有樂章都與主題相關,音樂思想在阿格努斯代伊達到高潮,並得到了更明確的表達。儘管名為 "Missa Brevis",這部作品卻給人一種 "大建築 "的宏偉感,同時在長度上也力求實用,以滿足常規大教堂禮儀的需要。

作曲家: Martin, Matthew
樂器: Mixed Voices, Organ
出版社: Faber Music
The Chester Missa Brevis was written for the choir of Chester Cathedral in 2013 and is a tentative homage to Benjamin Britten in his centenary year. All the movements are thematically related and the musical ideas culminate and are more plainly stated in the Agnus Dei. Despite being called Missa Brevis, the work has a grand ‘big building’ feel to it whist also aiming to be practical enough in terms of length to serve a regular cathedral liturgy.

語言: Latin
頁數: 28
重量(g): 68
EAN: 9780571571741
