
Now Sleeps the Crimson Petal

來自 Faber Music
$110TWD - $110TWD
$110TWD - $110TWD

現在沉睡的緋紅花瓣》懇求愛人效仿大自然的規律,懇求他們先像螢火蟲一樣醒來,然後'滑入我的懷抱,迷失在我裡面'。亞歷山大-埃斯特朗日的創作靈感來自作曲家吉羅德-芬奇和羅傑-奎爾特,他們是 20 世紀上半葉英國歌曲界最傑出的兩位人物,而詩歌則出自丁尼生之手"

樂器: Mixed Voices, Piano
出版社: Faber Music
Now Sleeps The Crimson Petal entreats a lover to emulate nature’s patterns, imploring that they first waken like the firefly and then ‘slip into my bosom and be lost in me’. Alexander L’Estrange was inspired by composers Gerald Finzi and Roger Quilter, two of the most prominent figures in English song in the first half of the twentieth century, and the poem is by Tennyson. This piece is part of the Faber Choral Singles series, offering a selection of beautifully crafted arrangements in a diversity of musical styles. From Broadway, pop and folk to spirituals, gospel and original works, the series is arranged for 3-part choir (soprano, alto and a combined male-voice part) providing flexibility for any choir. Complete with straight-forward piano accompaniments supporting the vocal lines, the Faber Choral Singles series guarantees the perfect repertoire for every occasion – so get exploring and get singing!

語言: English
頁數: 8
重量(g): 10
EAN: 9780571538010
