
Minutentangos 探戈 豎笛 2把

$1,020TWD - $1,020TWD
$1,020TWD - $1,020TWD

探戈之舞 舞臺,黑幕,無,有。更多......音樂。舞者在一個虛構的舞臺上舞動--在這個房間裡形成了不同的星座,樂器之間產生了各種關係。13 分鐘的探戈描繪了這些不同的星座。它們創造了情景的微縮圖畫、草圖,每幅圖畫大約一分鐘,分為兩個單元,每個單元六分鐘,最後以稍長的 "Canción "結束

作曲家: Piper, Hauke
樂器: 2 clarinets in Bb (or clarinet in Bb and bass clarinet)
出版社: advance music GmbH
Dancing tango. A stage, a black curtain, a nothing, a something. More?Music.The couple dancing tango finds its analogy in the two clarinets. The dancers are moving on a fictitious stage – different constellations develop in this room, various relationships between the instruments come into being.The thirteen minute tangos trace these different constellations. They create miniature pictures of the situations, sketches, each of them with an approximate duration of one minute, grouped into two units of six minute tangos each and rounded off with the somewhat longer “Canción“.Two people are dancing tango.Two instruments are playing for the dance.

頁數: 32
重量(g): 190
ISMN: 9790206301490
ISBN: 9783892217794
UPC: 805095082081

