
I Saw 3 Ships Come Sailing In / Bring A Torch, Jeanette Isabella 豎笛3把以上

$950TWD - $950TWD
$950TWD - $950TWD

我改編的《我看見 3 艘船......》採用准重奏形式,具有准巴羅克風格。多年來,這兩首英國頌歌給我的感覺就像是同一首歌的兩個部分,我就是這樣編曲的。我之所以說是 "准巴羅克風格",是因為它的發音和節奏方式,以及樂句基本上是巴羅克風格的,不過在和聲方面,我從巴羅克風格過渡到了調式和聲。在這首曲子中,"准迴旋曲 "指的是主題材料通過多次變奏和設置,並穿插音調對比鮮明的原始材料而得到發展。這樣的編排使每位演奏者都能在旋律上發揮作用,並在節奏和伴奏上有廣泛的發揮空間。 (安迪-米德爾頓)

校訂者: Middleton, Andy
樂器: 3 clarinets (2 clarinets in Bb and bass clarinet in Bb)
出版社: advance music GmbH
My arrangement of I Saw 3 Ships ... is written in a quasi-baroque style in a quasi-rondo form. For years these 2 English carols have felt to me like 2 parts of the same song and I have arranged them like that. I say quasi-baroque style because of the articulation and rhythmic approach, and the phrasing is essentially that of baroque, although harmonically I move from baroque through modal harmony. Quasi-rondo for this piece means that the thematic material is developed through several variations and settings interspersed with original material of contrasting tone. This arrangement gives each player a melodic role and a wide range of rhythmic and contrapuntal movement. (Andy Middleton)

頁數: 26
重量(g): 160
ISMN: 9790206301681
ISBN: 9783892217848
UPC: 805095083156
