
Dialogues 9 Duets 黑勒.芭芭拉 對話曲二重奏 豎笛 2把 朔特版

來自 Schott Music
$980TWD - $980TWD
$980TWD - $980TWD

單簧管演奏家伊莉絲-加布裡埃利(Irith Gabriely)深受芭芭拉-海勒(Barbara Heller)《對話》(為小提琴和中提琴而作)的啟發,為兩支降B調單簧管編排了這些二重奏。這是一組變化多端的協奏對話,對單簧管演奏者提出了一些挑戰,需要耐力、氣息控制、強烈對比的動態、半音段、全音段、靈敏的音色生成、跨越寬廣音程的跳躍、快速演奏、嚴謹的節奏控制以及仔細聆聽對方。在本版本中,所有的速度標記和動態標記都是為了提供指導:這些二重奏同樣可以用其他方式來詮釋。因此,本版本還包括第二部分,其中所有樂曲均不帶此類標記,可供個人演繹。對話》非常適合室內樂演出;它們也足夠短小,可以作為朗誦會或展覽的簡短插曲。這些作品表現力強、篇幅短小、音樂和技術要求高,非常適合作為青少年音樂比賽的素材。長笛或雙簧管可以與單簧管一起演奏,作為這些二重奏的替代樂器(ED 22017)"

作曲家: Heller, Barbara
編者: Gabriely, Irith
樂器: 2 clarinets in Bb
出版社: Schott Music

Evening Song - Lament - Meeting - Chatting - Whispering - Giggling - Contest - Narrative - Last Dance

The clarinettist Irith Gabriely was inspired by her love of Barbara Heller’s Dialogues (for violin and viola) to arrange these duets for two Bb clarinets. The result is a set of varied concertante dialogues that present clarinettists with a few challenges, requiring stamina, breath control, intense and contrasting dynamics, chromatic passages, whole tone passages, sensitive tone production, leaps across wide intervals, fast playing, disciplined rhythmic control and listening to one another closely. In this edition all tempo indications and dynamic markings are intended for guidance: these duets may equally well be interpreted in other ways. This edition therefore also includes a second section where all the pieces are reproduced without such markings, ready for individual interpretation. The Dialogues lend themselves very well to chamber performances; they are also short enough to serve as brief interludesat readings or exhibitions. Their expressive qualities, brevity and range of musical and technical demands make them highly suitable material for youth music competitions. A flute or oboe might well be played with the clarinet as alternative instrumentation for these duets (ED 22017).
頁數: 44
重量(g): 190
ISMN: 9790001197731