
48 Studies 烏爾阿弗雷德 豎笛教材 朔特版

來自 Schott Music
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奧地利單簧管演奏家和作曲家阿爾弗雷德-烏爾(Alfred Uhl,1909-92 年)出生於維也納並在此接受訓練,他的電影配樂、管弦樂和室內樂作品在國際上享有盛譽。他的作品以音調為框架,將不同的節奏和朗朗上口的旋律結合在一起。因此,烏爾形成了自己的個人幽默風格,並在學習中得以實現。他的學習週期是單簧管教學文獻的標準作品。烏爾的學習作品幾乎涵蓋了單簧管演奏技巧的方方面面。除了技術教學目標之外,音樂內容也占了相當大的比重:每首學習作品都是一首小品,幫助單簧管演奏家不受技術障礙的影響,有效地表達自己的音樂想像力。新版單簧管練習曲一冊,附有萊納-韋勒(Reiner Wehle)教授的練習技巧"

作曲家: Uhl, Alfred
編者: Wehle, Reiner
樂器: clarinet
出版社: Schott Music

Intensive legato - Light, relaxed legato - Strong staccato with full tone - Light, unforced staccato - Tonguing stamina - Moving between 1st and 2nd register - Tonal evenness of notes with short air column - Fingering od notes with short air column - Wide intervals - Reaction/Variations in dynamics - Differentiation in articulation - Reading skills/Sharps and flats/Double sharps and flats - Interpreation - Triad patterns/extended triad patterns - Chromatic passages - Dotted rhythms - Syncopation - Uneven rhythms

The Austrian clarinettist and composer Alfred Uhl (1909-92), born and trained in Vienna, has gained an international reputation for his film music scores, orchestral and chamber music works. His works move in a tonal framework, combining a differentiated rhythm and catchy melody. Thus, Uhl developed his own personal humorous style which he also realized in his studies. His study cycle is a standard work of teaching literature for clarinet. Almost every aspect of clarinet playing technique is covered in Uhl's study work. Apart from the technical educational goal, the musical content gets its fair share too: each study work is a little character piece which helps the clarinettist to effectively express his musical imagination independently of technical obstacles. A new edition in one volume with practising tips by Prof. Reiner Wehle.
頁數: 68
重量(g): 270
ISMN: 9790001168267
UPC: 841886013896