
Jazz Duets for Saxophones 爵士音樂二重奏 薩氏管

來自 Alfred Music
$720TWD - $720TWD
$720TWD - $720TWD

是否在本該 "嘟 "的時候 "嘟 "了一聲?找一個薩克斯二重奏夥伴,更自信地學習爵士樂。包括 30 個爵士節奏挑戰、8 個練習二重奏和 9 個中級水準的擴展表演二重奏。降 E 調部分印在書的前半部分,降 B 調部分印在書的後半部分--只需混合搭配即可!所有選曲均由薩克斯管大師布魯斯-埃斯科維茨(Bruce Eskovitz)和厄尼-沃茨(Ernie Watts)錄製在伴奏音訊中"

作曲家: Bruce Eskovitz and Ernie Watts
樂器: Saxophone
出版社: Alfred Music
風格: Jazz
Did you beep when you should have bopped? Find a saxophone duet partner and learn to play jazz with more confidence. Includes 30 jazz rhythm challenges, eight practice duets, and nine extended performance duets at the intermediate level. The E-flat parts are printed in the first half of the book and the B-flat parts are printed in the second half---just mix and match! All selections are recorded on the play-along audio by saxophone greats Bruce Eskovitz and Ernie Watts.

頁數: 60
重量(g): 226.796185
ISBN: 9780739032800
UPC: 38081218823
