
For Saxes Only! (10 Jazz Duets for Saxophone) 爵士音樂二重奏 薩氏管

來自 Alfred Music
$760TWD - $760TWD
$760TWD - $760TWD

只為薩克斯!10 首薩克斯管爵士二重奏》是一本非常精彩的爵士標準曲目集,所有曲目都是為兩名簡單到中級水準的演奏者編排的。這些爵士二重奏包括喬治-格什溫(George Gershwin)、科爾-波特(Cole Porter)和迪茲-吉萊斯皮(Dizzy Gillespie)的音樂,以及一些專為本書創作的原創音樂。這些二重奏是為兩種音調相同的樂器演奏而編寫的,例如降 B 調男高音與降 B 調女高音,或降 E 調中音與降 E 調男中音。附帶的 CD 收錄了葛列格-亞辛尼茨基(Greg Yasinitsky)演奏的所有二重奏,每個聲部都錄製在單獨的聲道上。要隨 CD 一起演奏,薩克斯風手只需關閉其中一個身歷聲通道即可。這是練習爵士樂概念、樂句、音調和混合的好方法,也是與朋友一起演奏音樂的有趣方式!標題如下Bye Bye Blackbird * A Foggy Day * The Man I Love * But Not for Me * What Is This Thing Called Love * Groovin' High * Fly by Night * Good to Go * Big Sky * Crazy Eights"

改編者: Greg Yasinitsky
樂器: Saxophone
出版社: Alfred Music
難度: Easy to Intermediate;
風格: Jazz
For Saxes Only! 10 Jazz Duets for Saxophone is a fantastic collection of jazz standards, all arranged for two easy- to intermediate-level players. These jazz duets include music by George Gershwin, Cole Porter, and Dizzy Gillespie, as well as a few originals composed especially for this book. The duets are written for performance by two instruments pitched in the same key, such as a B-flat tenor with a B-flat soprano, or an E-flat alto with an E-flat baritone. The enclosed CD features Greg Yasinitsky playing all the duets, with each part recorded on a separate channel. To play along with the CD, the saxophonist simply turns off one of the stereo channels. A great way to work on jazz concept, phrasing, intonation, and blend, and a fun way to make music with friends! Titles are: Bye Bye Blackbird * A Foggy Day * The Man I Love * But Not for Me * What Is This Thing Called Love * Groovin' High * Fly by Night * Good to Go * Big Sky * Crazy Eights.

頁數: 24
重量(g): 113.3980925
ISBN: 9780757904837
UPC: 654979997832
