
Vingt-Quatre Etudes Faciles pour Tour Les Saxophones d'apres A. Samie 練習曲 薩氏管

$1,160TWD - $1,160TWD
$1,160TWD - $1,160TWD

馬塞爾-穆勒(1901-2001 年)的《Vingt-Quatre Etudes Faciles》是根據法國小提琴家奧古斯特-薩米(Auguste Samie)的作品改編的一套 24 首薩克斯風練習曲。這套教材專為二年級和三年級的演奏者編寫,非常容易掌握和演奏。馬塞爾-穆勒(1901-2001 年)是法國最偉大的薩克斯管演奏家之一,因其在古典薩克斯管曲目方面的成就而享譽世界。他教導學生如何獲得優質音質,並認為這取決於觸弦、發聲、顫音的掌握以及呼吸。他撰寫了不同的教學方法,側重於技巧、發音和音色製作,如 Dix-huit Exercices ou Études, Exercices Journaliers d'après Terschack30 Grands Exercices ou Études d'après Soussmann (兩本書)等

作曲家: Marcel Mule
樂器: Saxophone
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
Vingt-Quatre Etudes Faciles by Marcel Mule (1901-2001) is a set of 24 Exercises for All Saxophones based on the works of Auguste Samie, a French violinist. Made for second and third year players, this material is really accessible and easy to play. Marcel Mule (1901-2001) is one of the greatest French saxophonists, renowned worldwide for his work on the classical saxophone repertoire. He was teaching his students how to obtain a good quality of sound and believed it was dependent on the embouchure, the emission, the mastery of vibrato and therefore of breathing. He wrote different methods that focus on technique, articulation and tone productions such as Dix-huit Exercices ou Études, Exercices Journaliers d'après Terschack or 30 Grands Exercices ou Études d'après Soussmann (in two books), among others.

頁數: 19
重量(g): 87.885
UPC: 888680864040
