
Three Nocturnes 沃恩威廉斯 夜曲

來自 Faber Music
$1,200TWD - $1,200TWD
$1,200TWD - $1,200TWD

1908 年,沃恩-威廉斯為男中音和管弦樂隊創作了《夜曲》,每首曲子都取材於他最喜愛的詩人沃爾特-惠特曼,不過這些作品據說尚未完成。2000 年,沃恩-威廉斯早期作品《夜曲》的手稿面世,該作品以管弦樂完整地表現了《天堂死亡的低語》。現在,Faber Music 很榮幸地宣佈《三首夜曲》的出版,其中沃恩-威廉斯已完成的作品由作曲家和英國音樂專家安東尼-佩恩的兩首精湛的完成曲構成"

作曲家: Vaughan Williams, Ralph
樂器: Baritone Voice, Orchestra
出版社: Faber Music
In 1908 Vaughan Williams composed the Nocturnes for baritone and orchestra – each a setting of his favourite poet Walt Whitman – though these works were believed to be unfinished. The manuscript of an earlier Nocturne, a fully orchestrated setting of Whispers of Heavenly Death, came to light in 2000. Now, Faber Music is proud to announce the publication of the Three Nocturnes, which sees Vaughan Williams’s completed work framed by two masterful completions by composer and English-music expert Anthony Payne.

語言: English
頁數: 56
重量(g): 209
EAN: 9780571539598
