
Song Offerings

來自 Faber Music
$1,020TWD - $1,020TWD
$1,020TWD - $1,020TWD

為女高音和八人室內樂團創作的《獻歌》首演於 1985 年,至今仍是哈威最著名的作品之一。這部 17 分鐘的作品由四首狂喜的泰戈爾詩歌組成,充滿了異國情調的色彩、流光溢彩的效果和精湛的詞句設置

作曲家: Harvey, Jonathan
樂器: Soprano Voice, Chamber Ensemble
出版社: Faber Music
Premiered in 1985 Song Offerings for soprano and chamber ensemble of eight players remains one of Harvey’s most celebrated works. An intimate cycle of four ecstatic Tagore poems, this 17-minute work abounds in exotic colours, torrents of gleaming effects and masterful word setting. 'Poetry by Tagore becomes the occasion for a Wagnerian love-death delivered by an ecstatic soprano from out of a humming hive of instruments... creating an extended instant of joy, a marriage of sensuousness and calm.' The New York Times (Paul Griffiths), 10 October 1997

語言: English
頁數: 52
重量(g): 208
EAN: 9780571509805
