
L'incoronazione di Poppea 蒙特威爾第 波佩亞的加冕

來自 Faber Music
$2,700TWD - $2,700TWD
$2,700TWD - $2,700TWD

蒙特威爾第的《波佩亞的加冕禮》(L'inconazione di Poppea)的聲樂樂譜。該劇於 1643 年狂歡節期間在威尼斯聖喬瓦尼和保羅劇院首演,是最早使用歷史事件和人物的歌劇之一。 它講述了羅馬皇帝尼祿的情婦波帕婭渴望加冕為皇后的故事。波帕亞的贖罪券》創作於歌劇誕生僅數十年之際,其音樂因其獨創性、旋律以及對人物人性的反映而備受讚譽。這部作品説明重新定義了戲劇音樂的界限,並確立了蒙特威爾第在當時音樂戲劇家中的領先地位"

作曲家: Monteverdi, Claudio
樂器: Voice
出版社: Faber Music
The vocal score for Monteverdi’s L'incoronazione di Poppea (The Coronation of Poppaea). First performed at the Teatro Santi Giovanni e Paolo in Venice during the 1643 carnival season, it was one of the first operas to use historical events and people. It tells the story of Poppaea, mistress of the Roman emperor Nero, and her desire to be crowned empress. Written when the genre of opera was only a few decades old, the music for L'incoronazione di Poppea has been praised for its originality, its melody, and for its reflection of the human attributes of its characters. The work helped to redefine the boundaries of theatrical music and established Monteverdi as the leading musical dramatist of his time. This edition has been realised by British conductor Raymond Leppard following his production of the opera at the Glyndebourne Festival in 1962.

語言: Italian, English, German
頁數: 240
重量(g): 692
EAN: 9780571500116
