
Alessandro (1726), An Opera in Three Acts 韓德爾 歌劇

來自 Alfred Music
$1,000TWD - $1,000TWD
$1,000TWD - $1,000TWD

《亞曆山德羅》的創作完成於 1726 年 4 月 11 日,同年 5 月 5 日在乾草市場的皇家音樂學院上演。詞作者是保羅-羅利(Paolo Rolli)。在隨後的演出中,該劇進行了大量刪減,尤其是在朗誦部分和次要人物部分;克萊奧內和李昂納圖被全部刪去。本樂譜已盡可能注明這一點。根據我們所掌握的資料的性質,一些小的缺口和不平整是無法避免的。附錄中的優美旋律是後來為福斯蒂娜添加的;A 版現存於亨德爾的親筆簽名中,B 版的標題見於 1726 年的印刷本"

作曲家: Handel George Frideric
樂器: Voice
出版社: Alfred Music
風格: Masterwork
The composition of "Alessandro" was completed on April 11, 1726, and it was produced on May 5th in the same year at the Royal Academy of Music in the Haymarket. The words are by Paolo Rolli. At subsequent performances considerable abbreviations were made, especially in the recitatives and in the minor characters; Cleone and Leonato being entirely cut out. This is, as far as possible, indicated in this score. From the nature of the sources at our disposal, some small gaps and unevenness could not be avoided. The beautiful air in the Appendix was added later for Faustina; version A is extant in Handel's autograph, version B with the title in a printed copy of the year 1726.

語言: Italian
頁數: 140
重量(g): 181.436948
ISBN: 9780769297460
UPC: 654979181019
