
Works for Organ or Pedal Piano 舒曼‧羅伯特 鋼琴 管風琴 亨乐版

$1,700TWD - $1,700TWD
$1,700TWD - $1,700TWD

羅伯特-舒曼一生崇敬約翰-塞巴斯蒂安-巴赫及其複調風格。羅伯特-舒曼畢生推崇約翰-塞巴斯蒂安-巴赫及其複調風格。56和 "四首素描 "作品。因此,從 1845 年開始,他在相對較短的時間內創作了 "卡農式六首研究 "作品 56 和 "四首素描 "作品 58,這兩首作品讓人聯想到巴赫的《發明曲》。從音樂史的角度看,為管風琴或腳踏鋼琴而作的 "巴赫名六首賦格 "作品 60,是巴赫在 1845 年以後的較短時間內創作的作品。在李斯特和馬克斯-雷格的作品之前,為管風琴或腳踏鋼琴而作的 "巴赫名六首賦格 "作品是第一批以 B-A-C-H 為主題的重要管風琴作品。舒曼希望通過他的腳踏鋼琴作品--萊比錫音樂學院曾有過這樣的想法--"為鋼琴音樂帶來新的嘗試"。然而,這種配有腳踏鍵盤的鋼琴在隨後的歲月裡並未得到廣泛傳播。因此,用管風琴演奏本版中的舒曼作品是再合適不過的了。編者是著名管風琴演奏家和教授格哈德-溫伯格"

作曲家: Robert Schumann
校訂者: Gerhard Weinberger
樂器: Organ
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition

Schumann: Sketches for Pedalpiano op. 58
Schumann: 6 Fugues on BACH for Organ or Pedalpiano op. 60
Schumann: Studies for Pedalpiano op. 56

Robert Schumann revered Johann Sebastian Bach and his polyphonic style throughout his life. Thus the “Six Studies in Canonic Form” op. 56 and “Four Sketches” op. 58 for pedal piano, which are reminiscent of Bach's Inventions, were composed during a relatively short period starting in 1845. From a music history perspective, the “Six Fugues on the name BACH” op. 60 for organ or pedal piano are the first important organ compositions on the B-A-C-H theme before those by Franz Liszt and Max Reger. with his compositions for pedal piano – the Leipzig School of Music had at one time – Schumann wanted to “bring new impertus to piano music.” However, this type of piano, which was equipped with a pedal keyboard, did not find wide dissemination in the years that followed. Therefore, it is more than legitimate to play the compositions by Schumann presented in this edition on the organ. The editor is the well-known organist and professor Gerhard Weinberger.
頁數: 87
重量(g): 385.56
UPC: 884088175610