
Gran Partita Bb Major K361 for 2 Oboes, 2 Clarinets, 2 Basset Horns, 4 Horns, 2 Bassoons and 莫札特 木管小夜曲 壯麗的組曲 雙簧管 法國號 混和室內樂 亨乐版

$3,440TWD - $3,440TWD
$3,440TWD - $3,440TWD

"非常特別的大型管樂,由莫札特創作"。莫札特的作品"。這就是《維也納報》宣佈在國家宮廷劇院舉辦音樂會的方式,單簧管演奏家安東-施塔德勒(Anton Stadler)將在這裡舉辦他的學院派音樂會。音樂會上有十二件管樂器和一件低音提琴,這是一種非常特別的樂器組合,當代評論家對此讚不絕口:"哦,它產生了怎樣的效果--輝煌而宏大,卓越而精美!" 標題 "Gran Partita"(《大帕蒂塔》)是在不知名的手跡上加上去的,也見證了人們對它的欽佩和尊敬。我們的版本就是根據這本輾轉多手、現藏於華盛頓的親筆簽名製作的。為兩支雙簧管、兩支單簧管(降 B 調)、兩支低音號、四支圓號、兩支巴松管和低音提琴而作"

作曲家: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
校訂者: Henrik Wiese
樂器: Mixed Ensemble
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition

Mozart: Serenade 'Gran Partita' for 2 Oboes, 2 Clarinets, 2 Basset Clarinets, 4 Horns, 2 Bassoons an

“Wind music of a very special nature on a large-scale, a composition by Hr. Mozart.” This was the way the “Wiener Blöttchen” announced the concert in the National Court Theatre, in which the clarinettist Anton Stadler was to hold his academy. There were twelve wind instruments supported by a doublebass, which was a very unusual combination of instruments, and the contemporary critics raved about it, “Oh, what an effect it made – glorious and grand, excellent and exquisite!” The title “Gran Partita,” which was added to the autograph in an unknown hand, also bears witness to admiration and respect. Our edition is based on the autograph which has changed hands many times and is today held in Washington. For 2 oboes, 2 clarinets (B-flat), 2 basset horns, 4 horns, 2 bassoons, and double bass.
頁數: 145
重量(g): 643.545
UPC: 884088179090