
Ein Musikalischer Spass [A Musical Joke] K. 522 for 2 Violins, Viola, Basso and 2 Horns in F Study Score 莫札特 中提琴 小提琴 法國號 總譜 亨乐版

$520TWD - $520TWD
$520TWD - $520TWD

這本 Henle 版本錯誤百出!出版商可以坦然承認這一點,因為這些奇怪的注釋都來自莫札特本人--他有意識地將這些注釋加入到他的《音樂玩笑》中。在這首有趣而調皮的樂曲中,莫札特並不是主要模仿那些彈錯音符的音樂家(後來的標題 "鄉村音樂家 "並不是他自己起的)。相反,在這首室內樂笑話中,他憤怒地諷刺了當時的二流作曲家同事,他們缺乏想像力和毫無藝術性的作曲技巧在這裡得到了無情的展示。這對於今天的演奏家和觀眾來說都是一次音樂和知識上的愉悅,現在是首次使用基於柏林親筆簽名的烏爾文正版

作曲家: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
校訂者: Felix Loy
樂器: Mixed Ensemble; Chamber Ensemble
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
This Henle edition is full of mistakes! The publisher can freely admitt this, because the odd notes here all come from Mozart himself - he consciously inserted them into his Musical Joke. In this amusing and mischievous piece, Mozart does not chiefly parody musicians who play wrong notes (the later title “Village Musicians” was not his). Rather, in this chamber music joke he aims an angry side-swipe at dilettante composer-colleagues of his time, whose lack of imagination and artless compositional technique are here mercilessly demonstrated. A musical and intellectual delight for today's performers and audiences alike, now performable for the first time using a genuine Urtext quality edition based on the autograph in Berlin.

頁數: 33
重量(g): 110.565
UPC: 888680676940
