
Two Pieces - 2. The Squirrels for Flute and Harp or Piano 長笛 豎琴鋼琴 小品 混和二重奏

$580TWD - $580TWD
$580TWD - $580TWD

為長笛和豎琴或鋼琴伴奏而作的兩首小品中的第二首 "2.松鼠 "是亨利-布瑟創作的一首動聽的短曲。與 "1.天鵝 "完全不同,這首樂曲更加歡快,速度也稍快。這首樂曲非常適合練習音色的靈活性,也是演奏更具挑戰性樂曲的良好訓練。樂曲以 D 大調開始,採用三部曲式(ABA),開頭為頓音,B 部速度較慢,結尾重複最初的主題。這首樂曲最難的部分出現在最後兩個小節,需要演奏非常快的音符。演奏時需要先用較慢的速度彈奏,以掌握完美的技巧,然後再加快速度。這首作品的前奏是《天鵝》,難度為 5 級。 亨利-布瑟(1872-1913 年)是法國古典作曲家和管風琴家。他曾任巴黎音樂學院教授和法蘭西學院院士。他創作了一部芭蕾舞劇、多部歌劇和室內樂"

作曲家: Henri Busser
樂器: Flute; Harp
出版社: Alphonse Leduc

Two Pieces The Squirrels

The second of the Two Pieces for flute and harp or piano accompaniment,“2. The squirrels” is a lovely short piece composed by Henri Busser. Really different from the “1. The swans,” this piece is much more cheerful and slightly faster. It is perfect to work on the flexibility of the tone and good training to be able execute more challenging pieces. Starting in D major, the piece has a ternary form (ABA), with a beginning in staccato, a slower B part and the repeat of the initial theme for the end. The most difficult part of this piece will be found in the last two measures, with really fast notes to play. It will be necessary to start to play them at a slower tempo to get the perfect technique and then increase the speed. This work is preceded by “The Swans,” with a difficulty rated at 5. Henri Busser (1872-1913) is a French classical composer and organist. He was a professor at the Paris Conservatoire and a member of the Académie française. He wrote a ballet, numerous operas and chamber music.
頁數: 4
重量(g): 51.03
UPC: 888680795627