
Fish Tale 哥利霍夫 混和二重奏 博浩版

$1,080TWD - $1,080TWD
$1,080TWD - $1,080TWD

者注:奧斯瓦爾多-格洛伊霍夫在完成《魚的故事》的創作時,稱其為 "水彩畫",這是對其滑膩、流動、飄忽性質的詩意貼切描述。魚的故事》講述了一條魚的超現實主義旅程:它從海洋開始,停下來聆聽非洲拇指鋼琴的聲音,在風的推動下繼續前行,然後變成龍捲風,通向瀑布,然後突然被裝進一個小魚缸,在 "彩虹小溪 "中游了很久,停下來思考時間的流逝、他被漁夫抓住,漁夫熱切地承諾將他送回水中,他跳了一段森巴舞,歎息著重新思考時間的流逝,最後在海底遇到了他一生的摯愛,在巴西民間音樂 "海洋音樂盒 "的伴奏下跳起了緩慢的華爾滋。魚的故事》是一封 "情書",就像作曲家第一次寄給我樂譜時寫的那樣。我希望一切都美輪美奐,甚至不惜犧牲一些理智"。它要求演奏者充滿激情和想像力。- 大衛-萊斯納

作曲家: Golijov Osvaldo
改編者: Leisner, David
樂器: flute and guitar
出版社: Boosey & Hawkes, New York
Editor’s note: "When he finished writing Fish Tale, Osvaldo Gloijov called it a 'watercolor', a poetically apt description of its slippery, fluid, evanescent nature. It tells the surrealistic tale of the journey of a fish that begins in the ocean, stops to contemplate the sounds of an African thumb piano, continues on, propelled by the wind, which then becomes a tornado, leading to a waterfall, then is suddenly contained in a little fishbowl, and scurrying on to a long swim in a 'rainbow brook', stops to contemplate the passage of time, gets caught by a fisherman who fervently promises to return him to the water, dances a bit of samba, considers anew the passage of time with a sigh, and finally meets the love of his life at the bottom of the sea, dancing a slow waltz to the Brazilian folk music of a 'marine music box', which, like an oyster, opens and closes, to music and to silence. Fish Tale is a kind of 'love letter', as the composer wrote to me when he first sent the score. 'I wanted everything to be beautiful, even at the expense of some sense'. It demands to be played with passion and imagination." - David Leisner-
難度: difficult

頁數: 48
重量(g): 200
ISMN: 9790051107797
UPC: 888680069667
