
Arabesque No 2 pour flûte et harpe 混和二重奏 柏特-柏克版

來自 Bote & Bock
$1,030TWD - $1,030TWD
$1,030TWD - $1,030TWD

阿米-馬亞尼(1936 - 2019)是以色列音樂界最具影響力的人物之一。他的豎琴作品是國際比賽的標準曲目之一,以一種非常吸引人的方式探索樂器的音調和技術可能性,尤其是在風格方面。作曲家以歐洲古典現代主義為根基(豎琴在此方面功不可沒),始終將 "希伯來 "風格融入自己的作品中。Arabesque No. 2》是五首同名系列作品的一部分,其中豎琴與不同樂器相結合,在這裡與長笛搭配得恰到好處"

作曲家: Maayani Ami
樂器: flute and harp
出版社: Bote & Bock
Ami Maayani (1936 - 2019) was one of the most influential figures in the Israeli music scene. His compositions for harp are part of the standard repertoire of international competitions and explore the tonal and technical possibilities of the instrument in a very appealing way, particularly with regard to style. Rooted in classical European modernism, to which the harp owes so much, the composer always weaves into his works stylistics that are perceived as 'Hebrew'. Arabesque No. 2 is part of a series of five compositions of this title, in which the harp is combined with different instruments, here in well-fitting pairing with the flute.
難度: difficult

頁數: 28
重量(g): 140
ISMN: 9790202533048
UPC: 196288020783
