
Quartet Sonata 四重奏奏鳴曲 法國號 1把以上 朔特版

來自 Schott Music
$1,500TWD - $1,500TWD
$1,500TWD - $1,500TWD

赫爾曼-施羅德(Hermann Schroeder,1904-1984 年)曾師從瓦爾特-布勞恩費爾斯(Walter Braunfels)和海因裡希-萊馬赫(Heinrich Lemacher)學習作曲,並師從赫爾曼-阿本德洛特(Hermann Abendroth)學習指揮。他以科隆音樂學院教授、音樂理論教科書作者和大型管風琴作品作曲家的身份聲名鵲起。首次出版的《四重奏奏鳴曲》(1971 年)在形式上是一首結構清晰的中度現代主義音樂會曲目,具有簡潔奏鳴曲式的快速第一樂章、富有表現力的慢板樂章和像吉格舞曲一樣充滿活力的終曲。這首曲子適合在音樂會和比賽中演奏

作曲家: Schroeder, Hermann
樂器: 4 horns in F
出版社: Schott Music
Hermann Schroeder (1904-1984) studied composition with Walter Braunfels and Heinrich Lemacher and conducting with Hermann Abendroth. He made a name for himself as professor at the Music Academy of Cologne, as author of musical-theoretical textbooks and as composer of major organ works. The Quartet Sonata (1971), published for the first time, is, with regard to form, a clearly structured concert piece of moderate modernism with a fast first movement in a concise sonata form, an expressive slow movement and a finale full of brio like a gigue. A rewarding piece for concerts and competitions.

頁數: 32
重量(g): 140
ISMN: 9790001144414
