
Phantasia on the Romance from W.A. Mozart's Horn Concerto KV 447 浪漫曲 法國號協奏曲 法國號 1把以上 朔特版

來自 Schott Music
$400TWD - $400TWD
$400TWD - $400TWD

紮特《降 E 調圓號協奏曲》(K 447)中的 "羅馬舞曲 "廣為人知,深受喜愛。抒情的獨奏部分與從活潑到戲劇性的管弦樂插曲交織在一起,這促使作者長期以來將其轉化為一首技術上大膽、音樂上愉悅的圓號獨奏幻想曲。"圓號演奏家在掌握了風格真實的附點和裝飾音知識後,可以集中精力發展這首具有挑戰性的樂曲的微小細節。演奏者和觀眾都將體驗到這首幻想曲所蘊含的冒險樂趣"

作曲家: Hoeltzel, Michael
樂器: horn solo
出版社: Schott Music
The Romanze from Mozart’s Horn Concerto in E flat, K 447, is known and loved by all. And it doesn’t require a great master to make it ‘sound’.The lyrical solo part is interwoven with orchestral episodes ranging from lively to dramatic, and this has long motivated the author to transform it into a technically daring and musically pleasing Fantasia for horn solo.With an informed knowledge of appoggiaturas and ornaments for stylistically authentic play, the hornist can concentrate on developing the minute details of this challenging score. Then both performer and audience will experience the sense of adventurous fun that infuses this Fantasia.

頁數: 4
重量(g): 50
ISMN: 9790001194204
UPC: 841886020559
