
Horn Quartets 史特勞斯.弗朗茲 法國號四重奏 法國號 1把以上 朔特版

來自 Schott Music
$1,480TWD - $1,480TWD
$1,480TWD - $1,480TWD

巴伐利亞宮廷音樂家弗朗茨-施特勞斯不僅是其子理查的第一支持者,也是當時最出色的圓號演奏家之一。無論是歡快的《Oberbayerische Gebirgsweise》,還是歡快奔騰的《Rondino à Chasse》,施特勞斯為圓號四重奏創作的曲目在本版本中首次出版,將演奏的樂趣與 19 世紀輕音樂的華麗結合在一起

作曲家: Strauß, Franz
編者: Damm, Peter
樂器: 4 horns
出版社: Schott Music
Not only being the first supporter of his son Richard and one of the best hornists of his time, the Bavarian court musician Franz Strauss also liked to compose from time to time. The compositions for horn thus created were meant to be performed by himself at concerts and social gatherings.Whether as cheerful 'Oberbayerische Gebirgsweise' or merrily galloping 'Rondino à Chasse', Strauss's settings for horn quartet published in this edition for the first time combine the joy of playing with the splendour of 19-century light music.

頁數: 52
重量(g): 220
ISMN: 9790001138512
ISBN: 9783795796136
