
My First Concert 26 Easy Concert Pieces from 5 Centuries 音樂會 音樂會小品 小號 1把以上加鋼琴 朔特版

來自 Schott Music
$980TWD - $980TWD
$980TWD - $980TWD

對每個年輕音樂家來說,第一次音樂會都是一次特殊的經歷。選擇'正確'的演奏曲目至關重要: 我的第一場音樂會》收錄了降 B 小號和鋼琴的簡易曲目,適合音樂課和首次試奏。精選的作品將演奏者帶入一個穿越不同音樂時代的旅程--從 16 世紀的音樂開始,經過巴羅克、古典、浪漫到現代音樂。穿越時空的音樂之旅最後以流行音樂和搖滾音樂領域中令人愉悅的現代樂曲結束,這將為課程增添更多變化。附帶的 CD 光碟包含所有樂曲的展示版本和僅有鋼琴伴奏的伴奏版,讓您更輕鬆地學習這些作品。該版本還包含一個簡單的鋼琴伴奏部分。為了讓學生也能演奏鋼琴伴奏,例如在音樂學校的音樂會或比賽中演奏,該版本特意保持了簡潔"

編者: Thielemann, Kristin
樂器: trumpet (B) and piano
出版社: Schott Music

L. Milán: Pavane - T. Susato: La Mourisque - J.H. Schein: German Dance - A. Krieg: Menuett - H. Purcell: Rondeau - M.-A. Charpentier: Prélude from: Te Deum- J. Clarke: The Duke of Gloucester's March - J. Clarke: The Prince of Denmark's March - G.F. Händel: Gavotte from: Atalanta - G.F. Händel: Menuett from The Musick of the Royal Fireworks - J.S. Bach: Marsch from Vereinte Zwietracht der wechselnden Saiten - W.A. Mozart: Là ci darem la mano - J. Hook: May Morning - L.v. Beethoven: Freude, schöner Götterfunken - G. Donizetti: Aria from Don Pasquale - G. Verdi: Va, pensiero from Nabucco - G. Verdi: Triumph March from Aida - G. Puccini: Il bel Tambur maggior from La Bohème - M. Saiber: Foxtrot - D. Hellbach: Memories - G. Koeppen: Windsong - G. Koeppen: Chill-Out - R. Ender: Soul Pop - K. Thielemann: A Tribute to Alice in Wonderland - K. Thielemann: Ghost Story - K. Thielemann: Holiday Rock

To every young musician, the first concert is a special experience. The choice of the 'right' performance piece is of vital importance: It should be technically and musically manageable, make a strong impression and give great pleasure in practising.The edition My First Concert contains easy pieces for trumpet in B flat and piano for music lessons and first auditions. The selection of the works invites the performer on a trip through various music epochs – starting from 16th-century music via Baroque, Classical and Romantic to contemporary music. The musical journey through time ends in pleasant, modern pieces from the areas of pop and rock music which would add variety to lessons.Most pieces can be played after 1-2 years of music lessons. Approaching the works is made easier by the enclosed CD which contains all pieces as a demo version and as a play-along version with just piano accompaniment. The edition also contains an easy piano part for accompaniment. It is deliberately kept simple so that the piano accompaniment can also be played by students – for example at concerts in music schools or at competitions.
頁數: 76
重量(g): 290
ISMN: 9790001213981
ISBN: 9783795722883
