
miramondo multiplo Trumpet Concerto 紐威爾斯 小號加管弦樂團 柏特-柏克版

來自 Bote & Bock
$1,000TWD - $1,000TWD
$1,000TWD - $1,000TWD

自 2006 年在薩爾茨堡音樂節全球首演以來,《miramondo multiplo》在短短的時間內已成為當代獨奏協奏曲曲目的重要貢獻。哈坎-哈登貝格爾(Håkan Hardenberger)、馬可-布勞(Marco Blaauw)、比爾-福曼(Bill Forman)、萊茵霍爾德-弗裡德里希(Reinhold Friedrich)和高橋修(Osamu Takahashi)等著名小號演奏家都曾參與演出,2009 年還計畫與國家青年交響樂團和古斯塔夫-馬勒青年交響樂團進行巡演。五個樂章從多個角度(multiplo)審視世界(miramondo),從亨德爾到邁爾斯-大衛斯的引文就像萬花筒一樣出現"

作曲家: Neuwirth, Olga
樂器: trumpet and orchestra
出版社: Bote & Bock
In the brief period since the world premiere at the Salzburg Festival 2006, 'miramondo multiplo' has turned out to be an important contribution to the contemporary solo concerto repertoire. Well-known trumpeters such as Håkan Hardenberger, Marco Blaauw, Bill Forman, Reinhold Friedrich and Osamu Takahashi are among its performers, tours with the National Youth Orchestra and the Gustav Mahler Youth Orchestra are scheduled for 2009. The five movements regard the world (miramondo) from numerous perspectives (multiplo), with quotations from Handel to Miles Davis appearing like a kaleidoscope.

頁數: 88
重量(g): 0
ISMN: 9790202532133
