
Concerto G major per Tromba ed Orchestra 莫札特.雷歐波德 協奏曲大調 管弦樂團 小號 1把以上加鋼琴 朔特版

來自 Schott Music
$1,050TWD - $1,050TWD
$1,050TWD - $1,050TWD

無與倫比的天才沃爾夫岡-阿瑪迪斯的父親萊奧波德-莫札特也創作音樂,但可以理解的是,他的音樂被他的兒子掩蓋了。他的小號協奏曲甚至流傳了兩次,即也作為小夜曲的一部分。這首《小號協奏曲》的原版為 D 大調。1967 年,加博爾-達爾瓦斯(Gábor Darvas)出版了該曲的樂譜和管弦樂部分,該版本的轉調降低了五度,便於小號演奏者演奏。現在的鋼琴縮寫版是對這一版本的補充。在原有的 C 調獨奏部分基礎上,增加了降 B 調獨奏部分,以便小號演奏者也能用更流行的降 B 調小號演奏協奏曲。此外,鋼琴縮寫版還印刷了一個 F 大調的重奏版本: 這提供了最大限度的靈活性,使得在不同難度下排練該曲目成為可能,同時也為小號音樂會曲目增添了寶貴的內容"

作曲家: Mozart, Leopold
編者: Darvas, Gábor
校訂者: Birtel, Wolfgang
樂器: trumpet and orchestra
出版社: Schott Music
Leopold Mozart, father of the unequalled genius Wolfgang Amadeus, also composed music, but is understandably eclipsed by his son. His trumpet concerto has even been handed down twice, i.e. also as part of a serenata. In the original version, this Concerto per il Clarino is written in D major. In 1967 Gábor Darvas published a score and orchestral parts in a version that is transposed a fifth lower which makes it easier for trumpet players to play it. This edition is complemented by the current piano reduction. Another solo part in B flat is added to the original solo part in C in order that the concerto can also be played on the more popular B flat trumpet. In addition, the piano reduction has been printed in a retransposed version in F major: This provides maximum flexibility, makes it possible to rehearse the piece at different levels of difficulty, and it is a valuable addition to the concert repertoire for trumpet.

頁數: 36
重量(g): 130
ISMN: 9790001156936
UPC: 841886012899
