
6 Sonatas for Violin Solo Op. 27 小提琴 奏鳴曲 亨乐版


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$1,600TWD - $1,600TWD

首先是約翰-塞巴斯蒂安-巴赫(Johann Sebastian Bach)的奏鳴曲和小品,然後是尼古拉-帕格尼尼(Nicolã Paganini)的隨想曲。現在,歐仁的作品 27 奏鳴曲,Henle 推出了無伴奏小提琴曲目中的重要作品的文本版本。伊薩耶在這些高難度的作品中加入了非同尋常的難度,他將每首作品都獻給了當時的一位元小提琴大師,並根據他的特殊能力進行了量身定制。得益於新發現的原始資料,我們得以呈現一個 "權威文本",它在許多方面都超越了之前第一版的文本"

作曲家: Eugène Ysae
校訂者: Norbert Gertsch
樂器: Violin
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition

Ysae: Six Sonatas for Violin solo op. 27

First came Johann Sebastian Bach's sonatas and partitas, then Nicolã Paganini's caprices. Now, with the op. 27 sonatas of Eugène Ysaÿe, the key works in the repertoire for unaccompanied violin are available in urtext editions from Henle. Ysaÿe peppered these challenging works with extraordinary difficulties, dedicating each of them to a virtuoso violinist of his day and tailoring it to suit his special capabilities. Thanks to newly discovered source material, we are able to present a “definitive text” that in many respects supersedes the previously available text from the first edition.
頁數: 66
重量(g): 283.5
UPC: 884088178840