
24 Capricci Op. 1 Violin Solo 小提琴 亨乐版


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在帕格尼尼之前的時代,小提琴奏鳴曲或協奏曲中精彩的獨奏快板被稱為 "隨想曲"。絃樂器的練習曲也被稱為 "隨想曲"。將協奏曲中的快板形式與技巧練習曲的形式相結合,是尼科洛-帕格尼尼最偉大的創作成就之一。帕格尼尼的作品《隨想曲》(Capriccios)開創了這一音樂體裁的新局面。這些作品似乎完全是帕格尼尼的親筆簽名,因為初版中有許多錯誤,而且可能未經作曲家校對。在我們的版本中,雷納托-德-巴爾貝裡(Renato De Barbieri)的演奏說明是在多年的音樂會經驗和對親筆簽名的深入研究中逐漸形成的。有了這個版本和內容翔實的序言,小提琴家將獲得這部作品應有的版本"

作曲家: Nicolã Paganini
校訂者: Alberto Cantù
樂器: Violin
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition

Paganini: 24 Capricci op. 1

In the era before Paganini, a brilliant solo cadenza in a sonata or concerto movement for violin was called a “capriccio”. Practice pieces for string instruments were also given this generic name. The merging of the concertante cadenza form with that of the technical etude was one of Nicolo Paganini's greatest creative achievements. With his op. 1 Capriccios Paganini opened up a new musical dimension the genre. They seem entirely on Paganini's autograph, since the first edition contains numerous errors and was probably not proofread by the composer. Renato De Barbieri's performance instructions in our version evolved during many years of concert experience and an in-depth study of the autograph. With this and the informative preface, the violinist is offered an edition that the work has long deserved.
頁數: 164
重量(g): 626.535
UPC: 884088176433