
Sonatas and Partitas BWV 1001-1006 Violin Solo 巴赫‧約翰瑟巴斯提安 小提琴 奏鳴曲組曲 小提琴(含鋼琴伴奏) 亨乐版


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$1,400TWD - $1,400TWD

巴赫的六首維奧爾琴獨奏曲是由作曲家親自製作的精美複製品。它們與六首大提琴組曲一起,被視為音樂文學的音樂和技術里程碑。巴赫巧妙地利用小提琴的資源,通過使用琶音和絃和雙音句號,在某些樂段中產生了真正的複調。這些成就的頂峰是第二帕蒂塔中著名的恰空舞曲,它達到了極高的音樂密度,同時也向小提琴家提出了前所未聞的技術挑戰。沃爾夫岡-施奈德哈恩(Wolfgang Schneiderhahn)標注的樂段適合實際使用,並包含了對和聲和琶音的建議"

作曲家: Johann Sebastian Bach
校訂者: Klaus Rönnau
樂器: Violin; Piano Accompaniment
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition

Bach: Partita III E major BWV 1006
Bach: Sonata III C major BWV 1005
Bach: Partita II d minor BWV 1004
Bach: Sonata II a minor BWV 1003
Bach: Partita I b minor BWV 1002
Bach: Sonata I g minor BWV 1001

Bach's six vioin soli have come down to us in a particularly beautiful fair copy made by the composer himself. They, along with the six cello suites, are regarded as musical and technical milestones of musical literature. Bach skillfully employs the resources of the violin to produce genuine polyphony in some sections through the use of arpeggiated chords and double stops. The culmination of these achievements is the famous Chaconne from the second Partita, which achieves great musical density while presenting the violinist with previously unheard-of technical challenges. The part marked by Wolfgang Schneiderhahn accomodates practical use and includes suggestions for accords and arpeggios.
頁數: 142
重量(g): 555.66
UPC: 884088175504