
Hungarian Dances 1-21 1 Piano, 4 Hands 布拉姆斯 鋼琴 匈牙利舞曲 4手聯彈(含以上)(含以上) 亨乐版

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$1,500TWD - $1,500TWD

時至今日,勃拉姆斯的《匈牙利舞曲》仍是他最受歡迎的作品之一,儘管這些作品甚至不是他寫的!正如他在第一版的扉頁上明確指出的,他 "只為鋼琴二重奏編了這些舞曲"。他的意思是,他選取匈牙利舞曲,將它們融合成一個更大的整體,然後將其成果出版,首先是編排成鋼琴二重奏,因為當時這種二重奏表演非常流行。包含 1-10 首舞曲的前兩卷於 1869 年印刷,1880 年勃拉姆斯又增加了兩卷,包含 11-21 首舞曲

作曲家: Johannes Brahms
校訂者: Walter Georgii
樂器: Piano Duet; 1 Piano, 4 Hands
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
To this day, Brahms' Hungarian Dances number among his most popular works – although he didn't even write them! As he expressly noted on the title page of the first edition, he “only compiled them for piano duet.” What he meant was that he had taken Hungarian dance tunes, fused them into a larger entity and then had the results published, first in an arrangement for piano duet, since the performance of such duets was extremely popular back then. The first two volumes containing the Dances 1-10 were printed in 1869, and two further volumes with the Dances 11-21 were added by Brahms in 1880.

頁數: 92
重量(g): 360.045
UPC: 884088172756
