
The Art of Bassoon Playing 低音管

來自 Alfred Music
$600TWD - $600TWD
$600TWD - $600TWD

除了擁有大型交響樂團的城市和/或擁有傑出音樂系教師的大學外,優秀的巴松管教師在其他城市都很罕見。威廉-斯賓塞(William Spencer)於 1958 年出版了《巴松管演奏藝術》(The Art of Bassoon Playing)一書,為嚴肅的巴松管演奏家提供了教材。在威廉-斯賓塞的同意下,弗雷德里克-穆勒(Frederick Mueller)開始關注巴松管演奏、教學和製造方面的最新變化,並出版了《巴松管演奏藝術》修訂版。

作曲家: William Spencer and Frederick Mueller
樂器: Bassoon
出版社: Alfred Music
Fine bassoon teachers are a rarity in all but cities with major symphony orchestras and/or a university with a distinguished music department faculty. William Spencer took up the challenge of providing material for the serious bassoonist with The Art of Bassoon Playing, published in 1958. With William Spencer's approval, Frederick Mueller took on the task of bringing to notice recent changes in bassoon playing, pedagogy, and manufacture, resulting in revised edition of The Art of Bassoon Playing.

頁數: 72
重量(g): 245.39347217
ISBN: 9780874870732
UPC: 29156174427
