
The Bottom Line The Ultimate Bass Line Book

$800TWD - $800TWD
$800TWD - $800TWD

木吉他或電貝司的終極貝司線書。本書包含 23 個章節,內容涉及貝司線的構建以及其他方面,如聲音製作、練習、特效、藍調/節奏、慢/快節奏以及時間/感覺。每章均附有複習練習。CD 中包含陶德演奏的練習曲和練習曲,這樣您就能與他的音色和爵士樂樂句相匹配--這與正確演奏音符同樣重要。客戶推薦:感謝您的《底線》一書。作為一個中年末期的貝司新手(算是吧),我對您選擇的素材和對素材的介紹感到非常高興。您證實了許多我一直懷疑但卻找不到好資料的事情,包括前行、3rd和7rd的重要性、指板模式的使用等等。你還提出並解釋了許多我未曾想過的問題,如用 12/8 拍思考爵士樂、騎鈸和二拍子傾斜等。我擁有幾十本爵士樂和貝司音樂書籍,但這本書及其 CD 帶給我的啟發比任何一本都要多。即使我的貝司遠在千里之外,坐在那裡閱讀這本書也是一種享受。再次感謝這本真正偉大的作品。---傑克-克拉克(加利福尼亞州田園懷爾德)

作曲家: Todd Coolman
樂器: String Bass
出版社: Jamey Aebersold Jazz
難度: Beginning / Intermediate;
風格: Jazz
The ultimate bass line book for acoustic or electric bass. Contains 23 chapters on bass line construction and other areas such as sound production, practicing, special effects, blues/rhythm, slow/fast tempos, and time/feel. Review exercises are included for each chapter. The CD includes Todd playing the exercises and etudes so that you can match his sound and jazz phrasing---something that is equally as important as playing "right notes." Customer testimonial: "I want to thank you for your book The Bottom Line. As a late-middle-aged novice bassist (of sorts), I'm delighted by your choice of material and your presentation of it. You've confirmed many things I've long suspected but could not find good information regarding, including forward motion, the importance of 3rds and 7ths, the use of fingerboard patterns, and many more. And you've raised and explained many more things I hadn't thought about, such as thinking of jazz in 12/8 time, the ride cymbal, and tipping in two-beat. I own dozens of jazz and bass music books, but this one book and its CD have brought more together for me than any of them. It's a joy just to sit and read it, even when my bass is miles away. Again, thanks very much for this truly great work." ---Jack Clark (Idyllwild, California)

試聽: 4

頁數: 64
重量(g): 226.796185
ISBN: 9781562241186
UPC: 635621500778
