
Bass Works

$600TWD - $600TWD
$600TWD - $600TWD

《貝斯作品》是布朗的第二本原創作品集,包括一張他演奏書中所有 10 首作品的配套 CD。在這本書中,他用鋼琴、大提琴、鼓和打擊樂為自己的傳奇藝術增色不少。與他的第一本書《低音提琴作品集》一樣,配套 CD 可作為伴奏使用。 布朗的作品贏得了《貝司演奏家》雜誌和《波士頓環球報》的大力支持,此外還有貝司演奏家亨利-格蘭姆斯(Henry Grimes)、小號演奏家塞西爾-布裡奇沃特(Cecil Bridgewater)、著名古典貝司獨奏家加里-卡爾(Gary Karr)和費城交響樂團首席貝司手助理尼爾-考特尼(Neil Courtney)等爵士樂大師。這本出版物是貝司演奏家的必備之選,對其他音樂家和非音樂家也有很高的聆聽價值。 這兩本書背後的靈感來自于為貝司獨奏家提供更多的曲目素材。我的目標還包括創作一些我認為音樂家在演奏時會感到有趣的樂曲,以及一些具有挑戰性的樂曲,以提高他們的技術水準。---泰隆-布

作曲家: Tyrone Brown
樂器: String Bass
出版社: Jamey Aebersold Jazz
難度: Intermediate / Advanced;
風格: Jazz
Bass Works is Brown's second book of original compositions and includes a companion CD of him performing all 10 pieces from the book. For this publication, he has enhanced his own legendary artistry with accompaniment by outstanding artists on piano, cello, drums ,and percussion. As with his first book, Compositions for Bass, the companion CD can be utilized as a play-along. Brown's work has earned strong endorsements from Bass Player Magazine and the Boston Globe, in addition to such jazz greats as bassist Henry Grimes, trumpeter Cecil Bridgewater, renowned classical bass soloist Gary Karr, and Neil Courtney, assistant principal bassist of the Philadelphia Orchestra. This publication is a must for bassists, and has great listening value for other musicians as well as non-musicians. "The inspiration behind both books was to contribute to the repertoire of material available for bass soloists. It was also my goal to compose pieces that I thought musicians might find fun and interesting to play, and to include challenging pieces to elevate their technical skills." ---Tyrone Brown

試聽: 1

頁數: 40
重量(g): 181.436948
ISBN: 9781562242626
UPC: 635621501164
