
Song Cycle Op. 39, On Poems by Eichendorff Versions 1842 and 1850 Medium Voice and Piano 舒曼羅伯特 中音 聯篇歌曲 鋼琴

$1,320TWD - $1,320TWD
$1,320TWD - $1,320TWD

《Liederkreis》作品 39 於 1842 年首次出版。作品 39,至今仍是舒曼最重要的歌曲集之一,這不僅是因為其中著名的 "Mondnacht"。八年後,舒曼為新版修訂了這部作品,並用歌曲 "In der Fremde "取代了第一版中的開頭曲("Der frohe Wandersmann")。Henle Urtext 版本提供了這兩個版本的全部內容,從而為研究舒曼後期的音樂創作提供了絕佳的機會。中、低聲部的兩個版本與高聲部的原版(51480550)相輔相成--經驗豐富的歌曲伴奏者格羅爾德-胡貝爾(Gerold Huber)為舒曼精心策劃了轉調

作曲家: Schumann Robert
樂器: Medium Voice;Piano Accompaniment
出版社: G. Henle Verlag
The Liederkreis op. 39, first published in 1842, remains one of Schumann's most important song cycles to this day, and not only because of the famous “Mondnacht.” Eight years later, Schumann revised his work for a new edition, also replacing the opening piece in the first edition (“Der frohe Wandersmann”) with the song “In der Fremde”. The Henle Urtext edition offers both versions in their entirety, thereby providing a wonderful opportunity to study Schumann's later work on the music. The two editions for medium and lowvoice complement the original version for high voice (51480550) - and as always with Schumann, in well-planned transpositions by the experienced song accompanist Gerold Huber.

尺寸(cm): 29.845cm*20.955cm
頁數: 90
重量(g): 360.045
UPC: 196288081609
