
Treasures for Solo Singers 10 Exceptional Vocal Solos for Recitals, Concerts, and Contests 獨奏 獨奏 音樂會

來自 Alfred Music
$640TWD - $640TWD
$640TWD - $640TWD

真正的音樂寶庫!安迪-貝克、馬克-伯羅斯、維姬-塔克-考特尼和維克多-詹森等阿爾弗雷德音樂界的著名作家創作的十首熠熠生輝的精品。每首選曲都以華美的音樂為背景,展現了豐富的情感。標題And This Shall Be for Music * Beyond * Count the Stars * Gifts * I Will Sing You the Stars * In the Dark of Midnight * May a Rainbow Run Beside You * Something Told the Wild Geese * Stay * What Do the Stars Do

作曲家: Compiled and
校訂者: Katie O'Connor-Ballantyne
樂器: Voice
出版社: Alfred Music
風格: Secular
A true trove of musical delights! Ten glittering gems from some of Alfred Music's prized writers, including Andy Beck, Mark Burrows, Vicki Tucker Courtney, and Victor Johnson. Each of these selections presents emotionally rich texts in sumptuous musical settings. Titles: And This Shall Be for Music * Beyond * Count the Stars * Gifts * I Will Sing You the Stars * In the Dark of Midnight * May a Rainbow Run Beside You * Something Told the Wild Geese * Stay * What Do the Stars Do?


頁數: 48
重量(g): 226.796185
ISBN: 9781470643249
UPC: 38081556031
