
Deux cents Études Nouvelles Mélodiques et Progressives Pour Cor - Cahier 2: 40 Études Faciles [200 New Melodic and Gradual Studies for Horn - Book 2: 40 Études Faciles] 法國號

$1,100TWD - $1,100TWD
$1,100TWD - $1,100TWD

由馬克沁-阿爾方斯(讓-瑪麗-馬克西明-弗朗索瓦-阿爾方斯,又名格裡特,1880-1930 年)創作的《二百首新旋律和漸進練習曲--第二卷》是一套六冊中的第二冊,包含 200 首不同難度的圓號練習曲。馬克沁-阿爾方斯是一位圓號教師,曾獲得過巴黎音樂學院圓號首席大獎,他在編寫這套書時循序漸進,以確保內容符合高品質學習的需要,從初學者的樂曲開始,到高年級學生的樂曲"

作曲家: Maxime-Alphonse
樂器: Horn
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
Composed by Maxime Alphonse (Jean Marie Maximin François Alphonse, known as Griet, 1880-1930), Two Hundred New Melodic And Gradual Studies - Vol. 2 is the second book of a set of six, containing 200 études for horn with different levels of difficulty. As a horn teacher who had also won the Premier Prix in Horn at the Paris Conservatoire, Maxime Alphonse wrote this set progressively to ensure that the content was matching the needs for quality studies, starting with pieces for beginners, and evolving through the books to those for advance students.

頁數: 23
重量(g): 130.41
UPC: 888680787509
