
Pocket Songs: Quiz

來自 Faber Music
$180TWD - $180TWD
$180TWD - $180TWD

口袋問答集》是 Faber Music 全新系列的一部分,採用小巧緊湊的 A6 尺寸(148 毫米 x 105 毫米)。 袖珍問答集》收錄了 450 多道令人腦洞大開的問題,這些問題跨越數十年,旨在考驗最博學的樂迷!問題示例北極猿、科琳娜-貝利-雷、桑迪-托姆、詹姆斯-莫里森和 Gnarls Barkley 之間有什麼聯繫?哪個樂隊在 2004 年 "預言了一場騷亂"?這個字母組合中隱藏了哪位元搖滾明星?A FAT MOLE?1969 年 1 月,誰憑藉《Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da》獲得單曲榜冠軍?電影《終結者 2:審判日》中出現的是槍炮玫瑰樂隊的哪首經典作品

校訂者: Holliday, Lucy
校訂者: Holliday, Lucy
樂器: Guitar, Voice
出版社: Faber Music
The Pocket Quiz Book is part of the brand new series from Faber Music in a small compact A6 size (148mm x 105mm) format. The Pocket Quiz Book has over 450 brain-teasing questions that span the decades, designed to test even the most knowledgeable of music fans! Sample Questions: What links Arctic Monkeys, Corinne Bailey Rae, Sandi Thom, James Morrison and Gnarls Barkley? Which band ‘predicted a riot’ in 2004? Which rock star is hidden in this anagram: A FAT MOLE? Who had a number 1 single with ‘Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da’ in January 1969? Which Guns N’ Roses classic featured in the film Terminator 2: Judgement Day?

頁數: 96
重量(g): 76
EAN: 9780571527779
