
8 Ricercari op. 51 -per strumenti a percussione- 擊樂器 騎熊士版

來自 Bärenreiter
$2,450TWD - $2,450TWD
$2,450TWD - $2,450TWD

自 1999 年以來,Bärenreiter Praha 出版社一直在編制《Miloslav Kabelác(1908-1979)作品評論全集》。為紀念作曲家誕辰 100 周年,已出版了兩部作品,這兩部作品現在已成為捷克共和國和主要國外的保留曲目,它們將完成評論版的第四輯--打擊樂器的八項發明和打擊樂器的 Otto ricercari"

作曲家: Kabelác, Miloslav
校訂者: Nouza, Zdenek
樂器: Percussion Instruments
出版社: Bärenreiter 騎熊士(小熊版)
The Bärenreiter Praha publishing house has been putting together its Complete Critical Edition of Works by Miloslav Kabelác (1908 - 1979) since 1999. To mark the 100th anniversary of the composer's birth, two titles have been published, now established repertoire works both in the Czech Republic and chiefly abroad, which will complete the 4th series of the critical edition - Eight Inventions for Percussion Instruments and Otto ricercari for percussion instruments.

After the phenomenal success of the cycle Eight Inventions for percussion instruments Op. 45, Kabeláè embarked upon another cycle at the request of the ensemble Les Percussions de Strasbourg - Eight ricercari (written in the years 1966-1967, with minor revisions from 1971). In this case, Kabelác did not merely aim for a continuation of the previous cycle - he wanted to create a work of a different character, a new and distinctive composition; nor would he allow himself any repetition (in fact, each of Kabelác's symphonies is written for a different set of instruments). In Ricercari Kabelác chiefly makes use of the specific qualities that percussion instruments offer the composer. Ricercari was written for one to six players and again employs Kabelác's new proportional notation.

The autograph of the work is kept at the Czech Museum of Music in Prague. A copy of the piece was made privately during the composer's lifetime which was itself duplicated to provide scores for all the ensembles who included this work in their repertoire. The current edition of the score, in practice also used for performance purposes, is therefore the first ever printed edition and corresponds both to the autograph and the meticulous copy made at the time and corrected by the composer. The publication includes a short study by editor Z. Nouza (Cz./Eng./Ger.).

頁數: 0
重量(g): 367
尺寸(cm): 42,0 x 29,5 cm
ISMN: 9790260104426
