
Impromptu -drei Stücke für Violine und Klavier- 3 Pieces 馬悌努 即興曲 小提琴 小品 騎熊士版

來自 Bärenreiter
$250TWD - $250TWD
$250TWD - $250TWD

小提琴與鋼琴即興曲》(H. 166,巴黎,1927 年)開啟了博胡斯拉夫-馬蒂努一生中新的創作時期。它由三首短小的性格小品組成,其中點綴著大膽的雙音和絃,整體上處於調性的邊緣。作者讓小提琴的二度音階與鋼琴的不協和音階對抗。這首曲子是馬丁努第一次向初學音樂的人發出呼籲,他決定讓他們更容易接觸到現代音樂。目前的《伊薩-波佩爾卡》版本以胡德布尼-馬蒂斯-烏梅列克-貝西迪(Hudební matice Umelecké besedy)(布拉格,1934 年)的作品初版、蘇聯版(莫斯科,1968 年),特別是收藏在《波利卡》中的作曲家手稿為基礎"

作曲家: Martinu, Bohuslav
樂器: for Violin and Piano
出版社: Bärenreiter 騎熊士(小熊版)
Impromptu for violin and piano (H. 166, Paris 1927) begins a new creative period in the life of Bohuslav Martinù. It consists of three short character pieces dotted with daring bitonal chords, balancing as a whole on the very edge of tonality. The author pitted the more or less diatonic violin part against the greatly dissonant piano. The piece is the first time Martinù appealed to beginning musicians, to whom he decided to give easier access to modern music. The current edition of Isa Popelka is based on the first edition of the work by Hudební matice Umelecké besedy (Prague, 1934), the Soviet edition (Moscow, 1968), and especially the composer’s manuscript housed in Policka.

頁數: 0
重量(g): 91
尺寸(cm): 31,0 x 23,5 cm
ISMN: 9790260106604
