
Album Leaves 騎熊士版

來自 Bärenreiter
$1,280TWD - $1,280TWD
$1,280TWD - $1,280TWD

另一卷斯美塔那鋼琴作品集顯示,作曲家創作的都是短小的抒情小品--沉靜的時刻,特點和風格各異。這些作品大多創作於 19 世紀 40-50 年代,當時斯美塔那打算用全部 24 個調來創作,但最終沒有完全實現。作曲家親自準備出版其中的一些作品--前六首作品於 1851 年作為作品 2 "Album Leaves "出版,其他作品後來以 "Sketches "為題出版,並附有 "獻給克拉拉-舒曼夫人,致以最崇高的敬意"(對 4-5,1858 年)。這一版本收錄了全部曲目,還包括臨時創作和死後出版的曲目。卷中樂曲以《貝德里奇-斯美塔那鋼琴作品全集》為基礎,並由鋼琴家兼斯美塔那詮釋者揚-諾沃特尼提供指法和踏板建議"

作曲家: Smetana, Bedrich
校訂者: Novotný, Jan
樂器: piano 鋼琴
出版社: Bärenreiter 騎熊士(小熊版)
A further volume of Smetana’s piano works reveals the composer as creator of short, lyrical pieces – moments of repose, varied in character and style. The pieces were mostly written in the 1840s-50s with the intention of composing works using all 24 keys, something which Smetana ultimately did not fully realise. The composer prepared some of them for publication himself – the first six works were published in 1851 as “Album Leaves” op. 2, and others were issued later under the title “Sketches”, with the dedication “to Frau Clara Schumann in deepest admiration” (opp. 4–5, 1858). This edition contains a complete collection of pieces, also including occasional compositions and posthumously-published pieces. The music in the volume is based on the “Complete Edition of Bedrich Smetana’s Piano Works” and has been provided with fingering and pedalling suggestions by the pianist and Smetana interpreter Jan Novotny.

- Urtext based on the Complete Edition of Bedrich Smetana’s Piano Works

- Tried and tested fingerings by the editor

- New foreword by Jarmila Gabrielova (Cz/Eng/Ger)

頁數: 0
重量(g): 341
尺寸(cm): 31,0 x 24,3 cm
ISMN: 9790260104303
