
Cello Recital Album, Volume 1 -18 Recital Pieces in First Position for Cello and Piano or Two Celli- 18 Recital Pieces in First Position for Cello and Piano or Two Celli 大提琴 小品 大提琴 鋼琴 騎熊士版

來自 Bärenreiter
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第 1 卷中的 18 首曲目在結構上遵循了 "早期 "入門教學法中介紹的相同的指型進度。這種系統化的進度有助於學生鞏固手的位置和提高音準。基本的弓法技巧不需要改變弓速或發聲點。年輕的演奏者可以專注于弓子的平直和優美的位置,從而發出悅耳而清晰的聲音。

校訂者: Sassmannshaus, Christoph / Lusk, Melissa
樂器: cello and piano 大提琴(含鋼琴伴奏)
出版社: Bärenreiter 騎熊士(小熊版)
難度: 2
The 18 pieces in Volume 1 are structured to follow the same progression of finger patterns introduced in the “Early” Start method. This systematic progression helps the student to solidify the hand position and improve intonation. The basic bowing techniques do not require changes in bow speed or sounding point. The young performer can focus on a straight and beautifully placed bow that produces a pleasing and clear sound.

The “Cello Recital Album”, Volume 1 (BA 8994), can be used as a supplement to the “Early Start on the Cello” method, Volumes 1 and 2 (BA 8996 and BA 8997).

Collections of recital pieces for the cello:

• Charming collections of easy pieces in first position

• Each cello part is supported by a piano accompaniment for student performances

• Alternately a second cello part allows duo playing with the teacher during lessons. This early introduction to chamber music brings joy and satisfaction to the young cellist and teaches the student to hear the music as a whole.

• The two volumes (BA 8994, Ba 8995) are designed as companion publications to the Early Start on the Cello method. However, they work equally well as a supplement to any other cello method.

• A variety of rarely published works by well-known cellists and pedagogues such as Wilhelm Fitzenhagen, Hugo Schlemüller, and August Nölck make these publications attractive to teachers and students.
頁數: 22/24/17 S.
重量(g): 270
尺寸(cm): 30,0 x 23,0 cm
ISMN: 9790006562442