
String Quartet in F Major Op. 96 (American Quartet) Study Score 德弗札克 弦樂四重奏 四重奏 總譜 亨乐版

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$650TWD - $650TWD

時隔十二年之後,德沃夏克於 1893 年夏天再次將注意力轉向絃樂四重奏。自 1892 年秋季起,他在紐約擔任音樂總監,並在斯皮爾維爾(愛荷華州)度過了夏天,那裡有一群捷克移民定居,使他有了家的感覺。美麗的自然環境促使他創作了這首非傳統的絃樂四重奏,它繼承了貝多芬 "田園詩 "的傳統,甚至模仿了鳥叫聲。自首次演出以來,該作品的某些節奏和旋律特點被追溯到美國原住民和非洲裔美國人的民間音樂的影響,因此這部作品很快被稱為 "美國四重奏"。自1955年以來,這首四重奏首次以Urtext版本出版

作曲家: Antonín Dvorák
校訂者: Peter Jost
樂器: String Quartet
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
After a twelve-year interval, Dvorák once again turned his attention to the string quartet in summer 1893. He had been musical director in New York since autumn 1892 and spent the summer in Spillville (Iowa) where a group of Czech immigrants had settled, thus making him feel at home. The beautiful natural surroundings led him to write this unconventional string quartet in the tradition of Beethoven's “Pastoral” - even down to the imitation of birdcalls. Since the first performances, certain rhythmic and melodic characteristics have been traced back to the influences of the folk music of Native Americans and African Americans, which led to the soon popular work being called the “American Quartet”. For the first time since 1955, the quartet is once again being published in an Urtext edition.

頁數: 52
重量(g): 141.75
UPC: 888680625559
