
String Quartet in A minor op. 132 貝多芬 弦樂四重奏小調 騎熊士版

來自 Bärenreiter
$780TWD - $780TWD
$780TWD - $780TWD

在經歷了數年的個人危機和創作危機之後,貝多芬生命的最後兩年出現了難以抑制的創作衝動,這種衝動幾乎完全針對絃樂四重奏這一體裁。在所有這些晚期作品中,以《A 小調四重奏 作品 132》最為突出。在所有這些晚期作品中,最令人印象深刻的是作品 132 中的 A 小調四重奏,這首四重奏是為了克服過去幾年的抑鬱情緒而創作的。五個樂章中的中間樂章是 "Canzona di ringraziamento",名為 "利底亞調康復者對神靈的感恩聖歌"。在這一樂章中,緩慢的引子之後是標題:"感受新的力量"。由於中間樂章充滿了 "神力",這首絃樂四重奏無疑是貝多芬最富情感的作品之一。在新版四重奏作品 132 中,貝多芬專家德多爾(Dr.貝多芬專家喬納森-德爾馬(Jonathan Del Mar)查閱了貝多芬的親筆簽名以及幾套經貝多芬校正的樂曲部分,從而糾正了以往版本中無數不一致的地方和難以令人信服的編輯決定"

作曲家: Beethoven Ludwig van
改編者: Del Mar, Jonathan
樂器: 2 violins, viola and cello
出版社: Bärenreiter Verlag
After years of several personal and creative crises, the last two years of Beethoven’s life were marked by an irrepressible creative urge that was directed almost exclusively towards the string quartet genre. Of all these late works, it is the Quartet in A minor op. 132 that most impressively addresses the overcoming of the depression of the past years. The middle of the five movements is a “Canzona di ringraziamento” entitled: “Holy Song of Thanksgiving of a recovered person to the deity in the Lydian key”. In this movement a slow introduction is followed by the heading: “Feeling renewed strength”. Due to the middle movement full of “divine power”, this string quartet is certainly one of Beethoven’s most emotional compositions. For this new edition of the Quartet op. 132, Beethoven specialist Jonathan Del Mar consulted the autograph as well as several sets of parts corrected by Beethoven, enabling him to correct countless inconsistencies and unconvincing editorial decisions of previous editions.

頁數: 46
重量(g): 150
ISMN: 9790006203130
