
Works for String Quartet 弦樂四重奏

來自 Dover
$540TWD - $540TWD
$540TWD - $540TWD

這本令人印象深刻的作品集彙集了三部 20 世紀重要的絃樂四重奏作品:伯格的《第一絃樂四重奏,作品 3》、斯特拉文斯基的《絃樂四重奏三部曲》和韋伯恩的《絃樂四重奏五樂章》。作為弦樂演奏家和任何對 20 世紀室內樂感興趣的人收藏樂譜的必備之選,這本經濟實惠的樂譜是唯一一本將所有樂曲收錄在一起的版本。僅在美國銷售"

作曲家: Alban Berg Igor Stravinsky and Anton Webern
樂器: String Quartet
出版社: Dover Publications
風格: Masterwork
This impressive volume brings together three major 20th-century works for string quartet: Berg's String Quartet No. 1, Op. 3; Stravinksky's Three Pieces for String Quartet; and Webern's Five Movements for String Quartet. An essential addition to the study score collection of string players and anyone interested in 20th-century chamber music, this affordable volume is the only edition to contain them all in one convenient edition. FOR SALE ONLY IN THE U.S.

頁數: 0
重量(g): 66.67807839
ISBN: 9780486442921
UPC: 9780486442921
