
American Triple Crown Including: My Old Kentucky Home / Maryland, My Maryland / New York, New York

來自 Alfred Music
$2,560TWD - $2,560TWD
$2,560TWD - $2,560TWD

這首樂曲由桃樂西-施特勞布 (Dorothy Straub) 編曲,歌頌了短程賽馬的激動人心。管弦樂隊使用了三場比賽前的歌曲--肯塔基州、馬里蘭州和紐約州的歌曲--扮演獲勝馬匹的角色,而加速度則是最後沖向終點的比賽。2015 年 6 月,神奇的賽馬 "美國法老"(American Pharaoh)贏得了三冠賽,這首曲子在此之前就已創作完成,以慶祝所有參賽馬匹。(6:30)

改編者: Dorothy A. Straub
樂器: String Orchestra
出版社: Alfred Music
難度: 3; -3
This piece, arranged by Dorothy Straub, celebrates the excitement of a very short horse race. Using songs that are sung before each of the three races---songs of Kentucky, Maryland, and New York---the orchestra takes on the role of the winning horse, with the accelerando being the final "race to the finish line." Though timely now that the amazing horse, American Pharaoh, won the Triple Crown in June of 2015, this piece was written prior to that event to celebrate all the horses that compete. (6:30)


頁數: 146
重量(g): 544.310844
UPC: 38081515533
