
MacDowell: Woodland Sketches, Opus 51 麥克道爾 作品

來自 Alfred Music
$320TWD - $320TWD
$320TWD - $320TWD

這套音調詩是麥克道爾最著名的作品。在這 10 首作品中,包括了我們熟悉的微型詩《致野玫瑰》和《Will o' the Wisp》。這套詩集的最後一首作品《夕陽下的故事》重申了之前作品中的大量主題素材,因此整首詩集的演奏效果非常好。這些樂曲的難度與《海上樂章》作品 55 相似"

作曲家: MacDowell Edward
校訂者: Willard A. Palmer
樂器: Piano
出版社: Alfred Music
難度: Intermediate / Late Intermediate; (4/5/6)
風格: Masterwork
This suite of tone poems has survived as MacDowell's best-known work. Included among the 10 pieces are the familiar miniatures, "To a Wild Rose" and "Will o' the Wisp." The last work of the set, "Told at Sunset" reiterates a considerable amount of thematic material from earlier works, making the suite very effective when performed in its entirety. The pieces are similar in difficulty to "Sea Pieces," Op. 55.

頁數: 32
重量(g): 131.5417873
UPC: 38081021454
