
Oboe Sonata, Op. 166 聖桑斯 奏鳴曲 雙簧管(含鋼琴伴奏) 亨乐版

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$850TWD - $850TWD

雙簧管奏鳴曲作品 166 是聖桑最後一年創作的三首管樂奏鳴曲中的第一首。在他的一生中,他更熟悉鍵盤樂器和絃樂器,因此這次作曲家發現自己進入了一個相當陌生的領域。然而,他一下子就抓住了這些樂器的音色和特點。為了確保各聲部反映出每種樂器的技術和音調特質,他在出版前徵求了熟識的管樂獨奏家的意見。他的奏鳴曲作品 166 獲得了雙簧管演奏家的高度認可;一封信中的一段話就是最好的證明: 他在一封信中寫道:"就像上了發條一樣"。亨勒得以在這一Urtext版本中首次查閱其親筆簽名"

作曲家: Camille Saint-Saëns
校訂者: Peter Jost
樂器: Oboe; Piano Accompaniment
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
The Oboe Sonata op. 166 was the first of three wind sonatas that Saint-Saëns wrote in his final year. Throughout his life he had been more familiar with keyboard and stringed instruments, so the composer this time found himself in rather unfamiliar territory. Yet he instantly hit upon the inflections and special characteristics of these instruments. To ensure that the parts reflected the technical and tonal idiosyncrasies of each instrument, he asked advice of wind soloists of his acquaintance before publication. His Sonata op. 166 met with the highest approval of the oboist; a passage in a letter bears witness to this: “It went like clockwork.” Henle was able to consult the autograph for the first time for this Urtext edition.

頁數: 30
重量(g): 141.75
UPC: 884088575557
